crazy engineering
Build your own remote seat opener for your byke
Before we start, short disclaimer; - you will be doing this at you're own risk - any damage done to your bike will not and wil...
Know More About Windows8
We know what you're going to say, but trust us: Windows 8 is not only cool, it's potentially a game changer. Windows 8 has a ...
Google's Virtual Reality Glasses
This is one of the Google's Coolest Invention. Augmented reality may end up being one of the hottest fashion ac...
Kick scooter converted into awesome all-terrain electric scooter
Ben Katz has spent the last few months ripping apart and reassembling an old kick scooter to build what he describes as an all-terr...
Modern Periodic Table
Introduction to Modern Periodic Table of Elements : The periodic table is a tabular display ...
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